Platform components
Managed Kubernetes
Managing the cluster nodes, including the ability to create nodes with different configurations.
Conveniently obtaining a kubeconfig file for configuring access to the cluster via kubectl or any other client.
Creating a high-availability (HA) Kubernetes cluster with automatic placement of control plane (CP) nodes across different hypervisors.
Adding and removing worker nodes from a cluster.
Restarting worker nodes in the cluster.
Configuring parameters for CP and worker nodes when creating a cluster.
Displaying the status and detailed information about the cluster.
Centralized monitoring of each cluster and its nodes.
Managing security groups to provide network access for cluster nodes, including adding and deleting groups.
Connecting floating IP addresses to worker nodes.
Managing Kubernetes labels on worker nodes through the platform interface.
The Managed Kubernetes service supports versions from 1.23 to 1.26.
Kubernetes cluster creation